Features To Look For When Choosing Solar Panels

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Features To Look For When Choosing Solar Panels

27 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, helping to reduce electricity bills and decrease dependence on fossil fuels. However, with numerous solar panel options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. If you're investing in these, here are essential features to consider when selecting solar panels.


Solar panel efficiency refers to the ability of the panel to convert sunlight into electricity. A higher efficiency rating means that the solar panel can produce more power per square foot. This is particularly important if you have limited roof space or are planning to generate a significant amount of energy. 

Durability and Warranty

Solar panels are a long-term investment, and you want to ensure they will last for years to come. Durability plays a crucial role in the lifespan of the solar panel. Look for panels that have passed rigorous testing procedures and have certifications for quality

Most solar panel manufacturers provide warranties that cover product defects and power output. A longer warranty period is a strong indicator of the panel's quality and durability. Ensure that the manufacturer has a solid reputation and will be around to honor the warranty.

Temperature Coefficient

The temperature coefficient indicates how well a solar panel performs under high temperatures. Since solar panels are exposed to sunlight, they tend to heat up, which can impact their efficiency. A lower temperature coefficient means that the panel's performance is less affected by high temperatures. 

This is particularly important in hotter climates where temperatures can significantly impact solar panel efficiency.

Type of Solar Cells

There are three main types of solar cells: polycrystalline, monocrystalline, and thin-film.

Polycrystalline cells are slightly less efficient but more affordable than monocrystalline ones. Monocrystalline cells are the most efficient, but they also tend to be the most costly option to purchase. Thin-film solar cells are the least efficient, but they are lightweight, flexible, and can be used on surfaces that are not suitable for traditional panels. 

Consider the type of solar cells that best suits your budget and installation requirements.


Solar panels can vary greatly in price, and it's essential to find one that fits within your budget. Consider factors such as the cost per watt, installation costs, and any additional expenses related to permits or grid connection. 

Keep in mind that while cheaper panels may save you money upfront, they may not be as efficient or durable, which could impact your long-term savings.